Channel 4 Rise and Fall launch

For the launch of the new Channel 4 TV series Rise & Fall, we worked with some of TikTok’s most iconic comedy and lifestyle creators and duos with a combined audience of +9M such as; GK Barry, Moyo & Woody and Kleiny. Creators were tasked to compete in the Rise and Fall Branded Effect challenge, to drive talkability, encourage users to engage with the filter on TikTok, and in turn tune into the new show. The branded effect was built specifically for the show’s launch. The brief tasked us to find suitable creators who aligned with two personality groups ‘grafters and rulers’ as seen on the show. We were able to successfully tap into our knowledge of different communities on TikTok to find creators who represented both categories. We successfully achieved high engagement with almost 2K users trying out the Branded Effect themselves on TikTok. With reach and awareness being centre to our objective, we successfully achieved this by delivering over 16.6M views of the 6 pieces of creator content, and reaching over 10M unique users with 2 of the creators videos being used in Top View. Working with a Branded Effect can pose some challenges, however we mitigated this by selecting reliable creators who were familiar with the platform and our process including creator treatments and briefing calls. This allowed the brand to fully align with the creators in advance of them creating content. The success of this strategy was emphasised through the positive brand feedback received post campaign.