Putting Malta on the map

We were given the exciting challenge of increasing awareness of Malta as a top holiday destination for families, couples and solo travellers. The approach in achieving this goal was through focusing on particular tourist attractions, day trips to certain areas within Malta, top hotels and sought after restaurants. We also ran a competition to win a trip to Malta in order to drive higher engagement and actionable outcomes. The campaign itself was all created on the ground in Malta had a quick turnaround with all content being reviewed and live within 24 hours of creation. The campaigns impact revealed incredibly positive sentiment had been achieved in particular in regards to specific attractions and the idea of visiting Malta for a holiday destination. There was also extremely high engagement through link clicks to download individual creator bespoke itineraries and to enter the competition to win a trip to Malta. These combined outcomes proved the success of the campaign in driving awareness but more so overachieved through demonstrating in actual effect in positively influencing audiences behaviours and actions.
